eBook for kids available now! Find on Amazon the digital version of my Comix about London in German and soon in English and Italian.
In time when kids can’t travel, travels go to kids! That’s why I have started digitalizing all the paper versions of my booklet and doing eBook for kids, starting from my Comix! It is important to keep kids’ fantasy active in these days, and what better way than than stimulating their desire to explore new lands and places?
Tapsy’s eBooks for kids
My comix are made for explorers. The eBook for kids version is available for Kindle. The first one available is a marvelous journey to London and its secrets! One of my favorite cities to show kids. Full of mystery, legends and amazing art, London comix eBook for kids will bring them into the true British spirit!
At the moment, London Comix is available in German and soon is coming in Italian and English plus other eBooks for kids.
That’s my way to help children to not lost their desire to discover, it is so important now as they will be the travelers of tomorrow.
Find here the cover and the preview:
“Hello, I’m Tapsy. Everyone here in Tapsyland knows me because I am one enterprising mole and I like to write books about my adventures. I hang together with my loyal friend Feety to an exciting journey. We were on our way to London, and something extraordinary happens … discover what!”
If you prefer to have paper versions of my booklet and product, you can visit my online shop on Facebook and order or ask for your favorite booklet, they are normally available in Italian, English, German, Spanish and French.
Want to get ready to explore big cities like Rome as true locals? Get my Talking map to use when you will finally travel again!
Get ready to other big news, I am preparing many secret dens full of new advetures made for families who never stop to explore the world with their kids. Stay hungry, stay Tapsy!