Now that the strangest of the summer is coming, we are all trying to figure out where to go what to do to relax on holiday. The answer seems to be ecotourism for families: a sustainable, green way to move around the world with our children.

Ecotourism for families is the new way to travel and being protagonist of the journey. Before it was just a trend, now it is a must-do if we really want to change the way we travel and explore around. Being more responsible and sustainable seems to be the only way we have to keep enjoying what the world has to offer.

What we do at home – recycling, taking care of the garden, the animals, using biological products – is now something to do when we think about where to go, which hotel to book, which activities to do with kids during the holiday.


A sustainable travel planning

Ecotourism for families starts when planning the holiday: not every destination or accomodation is the right solution when we talk about sustainability. So if you want to do a green vacation with your kids, pin the right point on the map! It can be a city, the countryside, the desert, the mountain, the important is to reduce the impact your stay will have on that place as much as possible. Using cars? Less, please. Moving by train? Great idea! Walking tours? Yes, absolutely. Activities to teach kids respect and love for the environment? Fundamental.

ecotourism for families

Ecotourism for families: stay green, stay slow

Ecotourism is basically slow tourism. Fast moving is not allowed, the keyword here is to take it slooow. Take your time to indulge in a place, don’t plan to see too many things in just one day, don’t run with your kids from one place to another: you definitely don’t enjoy the trip, if you do like this. So, less is more! If visiting a city, stay one more day and plan a quiet and smooth tour everyday. I am here to help! My Tapsy tours (with guide) or Tapsy kit (on your own tours) are both perfect walking solution to enjoy what you see very slowly! I do care for kids, so each tour has some nice maps and gadgets for them, to help discovering history and secrets in a fun and educational way!

ecotourism for families

Go local

I know how easy can be to get inside the first restaurant you see or buying the first souvenir you like, but this has a strong impact on local economy and green economy. Not all the restaurants are the same, not even the hotel you are staying. Every day many new accomodations and shops trying to do their best to reduce the impact they have on the environment, and they are proud to let the world know this. So it’s not so hard to find the right place to stay, the right table to eat on, the right shop to buy something nice. Do it, and teach your kids do the same. The world will thank you!





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