Having a family road trip can be an exciting adventure! Follow some easy and useful tips to enjoy the ride with your kids!
A Family road trip could be a nightmare for many parents, always wondering if it worths to travel by car with children without getting them bored or super-tired. Long hours spent into the car could annoying even the most calm of the parents and the most obedient of kids. So, what to do to avoid whims and whining from your kids during a family road trip?
Follow Tapsy’s guide to find fun and useful tips to make your holiday on the road a memorable travel experience!
A good journey starts from a good organization! So, pack in advance and split items into specific bags, so you can easily find everything you need during the journey. More than one kid? Let’s make it colorful! A different color for each of them will make things easier and funny. Green backpack for her, red for him, or make them choose! Since we are in 2019, it is almost fundamental to don’t forget about smartphone charges, tablets, dvd or mp3 players, audiobooks for children cameras, GPS, batteries, memory cards and everything technology gave us to make travel memories an easy job. Entertainments and snacks are First aid kit: pain medicine, band-aids, disinfectant are the basics of a good kit, ask Amazon!
Are they sleeping? Perfect! Are they eating? Be sure they used a hand cleaner before. Are they becoming bored and annoying? Time to play! I am sure you brought some kid-friendly movies to watch, a very good way to keep them entertained. Otherwise, if you want to partecipate, there are lots of games you can play with them. I Spy is one of them: “I Spy with my little eyes, something blue!’’ And then children has to spot something blu inside or outside the car. Easy, fun! For Tic Tac Toe, you only need a paper and a pencil. Player number 1 places the X on the grid, Player number 2 places the 0. And so go on!
Visiting a certain destination doesn’t have to be a boring experience for children. You know their attention span is very short, so better keep them busy with stories and riddles about the place you are going to visit. Books and games with stories and tips are a good way to keep them entertained and curious during the family road trip. A good example? My travel guides!
Never, ever forget the right playlist! During your family road trip, play all song kids love through the road and the journey will be fantastic!
On your family road trip, instead of taking a stop on a gas station, get off the main road and go discover something new on the way to your destination. If you are traveling through Europe, I am sure you will cross many big cities, so why don’t spend a bunch of hours exploring them with you kids? Here I can really help! I do tours for families with kids in the main European cities, like Rome, Pisa, Florence, Marseille, Barcelona, Stonehenge, Bergen, Stockholm, St Petersburg… where do you want to go? Here I am to welcome you!
1 Comment
Travel with kids tips for dummies: Taspy's guide - TAPSY BLOG · March 17, 2020 at 12:32 pm
[…] get bored and don’t really like other adults around them. For kids it’s different, the journey is more exciting for them. They love their habits, so if they are used to computers and tablets they would like to have them […]
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